How To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally, Safely and Effectively

Acne is one of the most common problems experienced by both women and men. Acne is indeed a problem that is quite troubling because it can reduce one's appearance and self-confidence.

Just imagine, if you have clear skin growing pimples with very large amounts. Of course in addition to disturbing appearance, self-confidence can also decrease. Then, is there a way to get rid of acne naturally in a short amount of time without having to pay a large fee?

Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Of course there are, where the natural way to be one of the right choices for those who have acne prone skin problems. In addition to not need to pay expensive, this way you can also do it yourself at home. You can also do it independently and whenever you like.

Causes of Acne

Before discussing how to get rid of acne naturally, you must know the cause first before knowing how to get rid of it. There are several factors that can cause the growth of acne on the skin. Here are the most common causes of acne:
  •  There are changes in hormones
  •  Puberty
  •  Wrong skin care
  •  Lazy wash your face or wash your face too often
  •  Heredity
  •  The use of cosmetics is wrong
  •  Effects of using certain drugs
  •  Stress
  •  Exposure to dust and pollution, and others.

How to remove acne

There are several natural ingredients that can be used to solve acne problems. Here's how to get rid of pimples on the skin naturally:

1. Honey

Honey is widely used as an ingredient for natural skin care. The content in honey can overcome the problem of acne effectively. You can use honey as a acne mask every day. Try quality honey for maximum results.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain vitamins A and C which can eliminate acne naturally. If you want to use this method you have to prepare 1 tomato then cut it into 2 parts. Apply to face evenly. Then let stand for 20-30 minutes then rinse with clean water.

3. Papaya

The content of the enzyme papain contained in papaya fruit can actually remove dead skin cells causing facial acne. You can use it as a natural acne remover mask on the skin.

4. Aloe Vera

Another natural ingredient that you can use to get rid of zits is aloe vera. Aloe vera contains polyphenols which have a function as a pimple on the skin. To try this method, you can take the gel found in aloe, then use it like a mask. Let stand for 20-30 minutes after that rinse face with clean water.

5. Egg White

The content of lysonzim enzymes found in egg whites was able to be used as an ingredient to eliminate acne effectively. The trick is very easy, you can separate the egg whites from the yolks, then add the lemon juice, then apply evenly on the face. Let stand about 15-20 minutes then rinse with clean water.

6. Garlic

The content of sulfur contained in garlic is believed to be able to get rid of pimples quickly. If you want to try this method, first prepare 1 clove of garlic, then cut into several pieces. After that, put on pimples or acne scars. Wait for 15 minutes then clean.

7. Cucumber

Besides having a fairly high antioxidant content, cucumbers also have vitamins and amino acids in them. Where the content can be used as a natural acne remover. the way is very easy, you just need a slice of cucumber then use a cucumber mask on the skin regularly with acne.

8. Avocados

Avocado which is often used as a skin mask, it turns out you can also use as a natural acne remover. The content of vitamin E in avocados can make the skin soft and able to reduce inflammation in acne prone skin. The trick, puree avocado meat after that add 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply to face evenly, leave on for 20-30 minutes then rinse with clean water.

9. Toothpaste

For those of you who are confused looking for ways to get rid of pimples quickly, then toothpaste can be the solution. Toothpaste contains hydrogen, fluorine, and triclosan which can prevent irritation to the skin. Toothpaste can also dry inflamed pimples. You can immediately put toothpaste on the zit. After that leave it for 10-20 minutes then rinse with clean water.

10. Orange Peel

Not only the fruit is vitamin, but it turns out that the orange peels that you usually dispose of directly also contain vitamins A and C and flavonoids that are believed to be used as a way to get rid of cystic acne on the skin. If you want to try this method, prepare a dry orange peel. After that mash until smooth, the results of the orange peel collision can you add a little water. Then apply to the face like a mask. Let stand for 15-20 minutes then rinse with clean water.

Now getting rid of zits doesn't have to be done in an expensive way. You can use some of the natural ingredients above as a way to get rid of acne naturally that is powerful and fast for the skin. In addition, if you routinely use it every day, then problems such as acne prone skin or acne scars that are difficult to remove can be overcome easily.

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