How to learn English

I will just tell you "HARD WORK IS A KEY TO SUCCESS"
let me start it, that how to do hard work every body tell him in our society that do hard work and do hard work but no one tell us that how to do, You know there is arise a question that Donkey is also doing hard work much better than us so for this question i have answer that he is doing hard work by force but remember one thing that hard work is not anything without smart work and how to do smart work it need motivation and also awareness and burning desire of particular thing to achieve! then we can manage all the thing without complication, now i am giving you the special example for that look it exam during the last week of exam all the student is in hurry they want to cover the whole course but they can’t why just because of only hard work without smart work and don’t become a hard worker but make become a smart worker now i come to the point that’s just support for my statement. Now lets me start it from initial.
How to learn English
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 "How to learn English"

       "Practice is a key to open every door of your life "

There is two main thing in English one is language and another is grammar so now it depend upon you that which one do you wish, But most of the people they like to speak because our education system teach us all about it but on very difficult way from nursery to intermediate level but still no body know about grammar and that’s why the people like to speak they  don’t want to learn grammar you know just because they think about past that a thing which i didn’t learn on a couples of years then how can, I learn in just a few days and month that’s why they choose speaking instead of grammar now that’s a question that how to speak .

   "The more you speak the more you fluent"
Now i suggest for a beginner that if you want to speak fluent without stuck up your tongue then you need to be follow these tips first you should have to start it from daily activities just like what is your daily schedule for example " I get up early in the morning then, I watch my phone that what time is it if the time is late then, I back to sleep if the time is early then, I go to washroom and i wash my hand and mouth and then, I take ablution and, I go to mosque to perform the prayer and recite the Holy Quo-ran   for half a hours then, I  go back to home just like" if anyone want to know all about these thing so please study book for this and start practicing then stand up in the prant of mirror and speak it a lot of time, there is two advantageous first you will improve your English and the second one you will be bold then you will never feel any hesitation on the prant of any one and one thing always remember that whenever someone participate you on any event function or wedding, engagement and birthday party and further he want to, You speak something about what he want then you should have to consider all the people that they don’t know anything and suppose, Yourself intelligent or better then these people then you will be able to speak it on the prant of anyone. once again.
"The more you learn the more you earn"
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30 thing you must remember while you are interesting in English

let me start it now.
1.Make it yourself English surrounding. And put yourself in it, and try to speak it doesn't matter that you speak it wrong or right.
2.Don't be shame to make mistake. Be bold and people will only correct you they would laugh you.
3.Say to your family about your study time table. And get them to push you on study and don't interrupt you while you are studying.
4.Make a time table for your studies that how many hours you spend on study, and do practice every day at least for hours but don't be miss it.
5.Do practice the four-core skill: listing, writing, reading, speaking it will bring unbelievable change in your English speaking.
6.If you can't get up early in the morning then make study time table it afternoon and must use your body clock and make your study habits, it will help you in every filed of your life.
7.Memorize a new word and note it and then use them and our own sentence and make it easy to learn.
8. Visit to to different website for English learning make them use on your way: and you must have to visit it least once to internet and find out what you want.
9.learning by rote is not a good way to learn English because whenever we learn something by rote for test or for exam at is store in short term memory after short time we can't remember.
10. Make for yourself short term goal and long-term goal and focus on working and practice it all time to achieve.

11.Every successful person in the world they always do work on a plane whenever you have a plane you will never waste a minute if a person today is not better then yesterday it mean he is in ransom.
12.Find-out the best method for your study don't implement the study ways of other people because in the world every one mind capacity is different from one another but look it all the method and check your mind that which one do you like.
13.Watch English movies for improving your listing power and news specially BBC is the best doesn't matter that you don't listen the news actively, even still you will be improving and your mind will be habitual then you will never face any problem on listing.
14.Take help from other people from your family, friend, and from your teacher.
15.Don't stay more than one hour in a particular place take a fresh air after a hours and stretch your legs.
16.Don't study fast try to concentrate and focus because whenever you study on hurry you won't get the meaning of context.

17.Whenever you don't understand about some word read further the upcoming word will give you the meaning of whole sentence.
18.Now how to read newspaper first of all whenever you read the headline you should have try to understand but for a beginner there is hundreds of word which isn't only complicated but which is very-very complicated then how to know the meaning of these word after headline you should have to start the reading of whole article and make underline all those which is complicated for you and start studying again the same article and finally one more time you read it then i hope you will completely know about newspaper article.
19.Start writing article or blog or website and share your idea with the whole world.
20. if you want to become a good writer you need to follow below tips become a better writer first write a topic and write your idea and though write it onto rough paper without worrying about spelling or grammar mistake. Then think about structure and logical order of sentences and eventually read it one time when you complete.
21.No one likes to hear their own voice, but be brave and record it and then listen to your pronunciation and intonation. It will help you about your problem.
22.Enjoy it, when we learn take a fun from it when we take a fun then we learn more.
23.When you feel hesitation then take a deep breath before you say something you would speak better when you are cool.
24.You are not too old nor child you can learn English when you try. Don’t make excuses that i can't learn what are you waiting for.
25.Procrastination can stop you from success. To stop procrastination is better because if you can't stop it will stop you from success.
26.Use resources which is match your level. Don’t do such a thing which is very complicated or very easy because it wastes your time and use a material which is challenge you but don't frustrate you.
27.Don't remove your accent because it’s your identity.
28.There is many types of English doesn't matter which one you do you like because English is English.
29.It’s not enough to only learn English word tenses and grammar you should have to use it also, and you still need to understand grammar.
30. English speaker use verb and tenses to show the timing of the action that’s important to know about the tenses and where to use.
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