How to sleep better

Magic trick on how to sleep peacefully

You will come across many articles specifying how to sleep as it is everyone's concern in today’s busy life. People struggle to sleep to get a healthy life many people just want six to seven hours of good peaceful sleep.

Your sleep pattern directly affects your mental and physical health. It can cause a lot of sleep disorders which we human do not hear because no one talk about it as depression, anxiety are a few of them.

How to sleep better
How to sleep better

Five most common sleep disorders:

1. Insomnia
2. Sleep Apnea
3. Narcolepsy
4. Restless legs syndrome
5. REM sleep behavior disorder

1. Insomnia is the most common disorder among people. Many people have experienced this in their life a few years back even I was suffering from Insomnia so I could tell how it feels and how to overcome it. the Basic causes of insomnia are poor sleeping habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise. Mine was also one among them and I overcome it by eliminating all the things because of which I was suffering from it. The best way to reduce it is by eliminating toxic people toxic things from life. Keep some food in your stomach before sleep it may help you in sleep.

2. Sleep Apnea: It is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops and starts, loud snoring, morning headache. It is most common in men. It can be treated by self-care by doing physical exercise and weight loss.

3. Narcolepsy: It causes daytime drowsiness, a sudden attack of sleep, loss of muscle, and hallucination might occur. In this disorder treatment can help, but this condition can’t be cured.

4. Restless legs syndrome: it causes irresistible urge to move legs, sleep disturbance, fatigue, etc. treatment includes self-care moving around, lifestyle changes, and medication may help.

5. REM sleep behavior disorder: Under this kind of disorder virtual paralysis of the body takes place, unpleasant dreams with vocal sounds. Treatment includes medication. 
 Improper sleep can also include obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.
This is for information purposes only. Consult your medical authority for advice.

Food/drink that helps to sleep better:

1. Warm milk: the most effective drink that can help in sleep as it has a relaxing effect on the mind, and is the best food to have to sleep better.

2. Walnuts: it helps in regulating sleep and other nuts also helps.

3. Fatty fish: it is a good source of vitamin D and help in improving sleep it can be made in dinner or just made to eat as a snack link to a few recipes are given 

4. Almond: it has sleep-regulating hormone melatonin and is a good source of magnesium which can help in improving sleep quality.

5. Fruit: some fruit can also help to sleep fast few of them are bananas, pineapple, and oranges.
I have tried these and for me, the most effective one was warm milk with turmeric powder. For you, all others might work try it and do share in the comment below.

The food you should avoid for healthy sleep:
  • limit your intake of high-fat food
  • chocolate, coke, tea can have caffeine the same as in coffee which does not let you sleep
  • cut down on spicy and heavy food
  • To some extent don’t smoke before bedtime it also contains caffeine in a small amount
  • Some medication intake may also affect your sleep pattern

Sleeping more than required

   Yes as less sleep causes the problem so as sleeping more than required everything should be in balance form otherwise it starts affecting the body.
   There can be various side effects of oversleeping. Sleeping more than 9 hours can cause serious issues
  1. Diabetes
  2. Obesity
  3. Headaches
  4. Back pain
  5. Depression
  6. Concentration problem

The habit of oversleeping is mainly in the younger generation, lying on a bed for the whole day, doing no exercise, unhealthy eating, irregular sleeping time are a few reasons people oversleeping.

Here are a few tips on how to sleep better:

1. Manage your worries: stress can be a major reason why you might not be sleeping peacefully. As I stated earlier stress can be thorough any means eliminating the things that cause stress can not only help you sleep better but also help you to live your life calmly.

2. Must have a sleeping schedule: sleeping late and waking up late or early can be dangerous if followed for a longer time. It can cause a dark circle and affect your sleeping pattern. For the whole day, you will feel drowsiness therefore a sleeping schedule that too includes sleeping early is very essential.

3. Reduce the exposure of blue light: try not to get blue light exposure at least an hour before sleep try to read some book or do other stuff. It seriously affects your eye and also sends a message to the brain that it’s not the time to sleep.

4. Increase melatonin intake: As specified earlier few foods help you to sleep better those food are rich in melatonin. Increase the intake of sunlight can also increase the amount of melatonin.

5. Optimize bedroom environment: room temperature, the comfort level of mattes, noise, and other factors highly affect your sleep.

6. Thinking positive: negative thought may also affect the sleeping pattern if you constantly think that something is wrong or put a negative thought in your mind it definitely will come around your life in one or another way. Think positive and good things will start happening in your life.

7. Do some bedtime exercise to relax your mind and body: doing exercise in the morning is good but bedtime exercise for relaxation is a very effective one for better sleep it flushes out all the day to day worry and calms your mind. You can also take a worm or cold shower.

In conclusion, I would say there is no quick solution to any problem, and sleep issues should be solved looking into every aspect. No one can tell you how to sleep in 5 minutes or 10. One should follow these tips to sleep better.

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