Social media is a computer and
web-based technology to allow people or groups to create or sharing
ideas, information, interests, Documents, Images, videos in Virtual
networks, and community. It is a great platform for people to stay
connected with each other through social networking websites and
Social media is
the medium of online communication, interaction, content sharing, and
collaboration between large groups of people through the internet. It is
network-based and gives quick electronic communication via computer,
tablet, or smartphone via web-based software or web-based application,
often utilizing it for messaging.
media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumbler,
Google+, flicker, etc. This communications tool's ability to share
content, photos, opinions, events, documents, etc.
Advantages of Social Media:
1) Connectivity -:
Globally, there are more than 4 billion social media users to interact
with friends and family or the ability to connect anyone on each with
many people simultaneously.
2) Help -:
You can share your problem with the community to get help. Whether it
is helping in term of money or in term of advice, you can tell them and
connected with.
3) Education -:
The great thing about using social media in education is that lots of
benefits for students and teachers. It is very easy to educate others
who are experts and professionals via social media. You can follow
anyone to learn and educate yourself without paying for it.
4) More updates and Information -:
It is the main advantage of social media is that you update yourself
from the latest happenings around in the world. Social media by doing
some research you can provide interesting and important facts and
5) Awareness -:
Social media also create awareness and innovation on people live.
People discover new things and innovations that can enhance their
personal lives.
6) Help Govt. and Agencies Fight Crime -:
Social media also helps Governments and Security Agencies to spy and
catch criminals to fight crime. It is important advantage of social
7) Promote your Business -:
Whether you have an online or offline business, you can promote your
business to the largest audience. All overworld is open for you and
promotes them.
Disadvantages of Social media:
1) Hacking -:
Privacy and Personal data can easily be hacked and share on the
internet. Hacking is finding a weakness in computer or network System,
using password cracking algorithm to gain access to a system. The person
who engages in hacking activities is known as a hacker. This hacker
finds and exploits the weakness in computer and network systems to gain
access. Hackers usually skilled computer programmers with deep knowledge
of computer security.
2) Cybercrime -: According
to a report most of the children have become victims of cybercrime
other the past. Since anyone can create a fake account and do anything
without being traced, Such as spreading computer viruses, online
bullying, performing unauthorized electronic fund transfer, etc. Some
cybercrime can also be carried out using Mobile phones via SMS and
online applications.
3) Addiction -: Social
media is the addictive part of personal lives. It is very dangerous and
can disturb you as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the
addictions of social media. They get involved extensively and are
eventually cut off from society.
4) Scams and Fraud -:
Globally, Online fraud and scams appear in many forms. Social network
fraud and scams can occur even if partly based on the use of internet
services and are mostly based on the use of the internet.
5) Security Issues -:
Social media is not real life. Now a day’s security agencies have
access to people's personal accounts. This makes privacy almost
compromised. Security issues are mistakenly or unknowingly discussed
over the internet.
6) Cheating and Relationship issues -:
Most people have used social media platforms, Such as Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Usually, in social media platforms,
people facilitate sharing feelings, likeness, proposal, etc. People have
become the easiest and most preferred way to cheat each other. However,
after some time they turn to be wrong their decision and part away.
Similarly, people have cheated on each other by showing fake feelings
and incorrect information.
7) Health Issues -: Social
media can also have a negative impact on health. Most of the people get
lazy because of the excessive use of social sites and result brings
disorder in the daily routine life. This discovery and research will
shock you by showing how bad your health can be affected by the use of
social media.