What is Network Marketing

            What is Network Marketing

It is also called multi level marketing.  Network marketing is the fastest growing business in the world. Network marketing is a device to deliver any service or product directly from the company to the consumer, in which the consumer connects directly with the company and purchases the product.  Due to which the company gets some benefits to the consumer, which can include discounts on products, cashback, better products etc.  There are generally 2 ways to sell any product or service: -
1.Traditional Marketing
2. Network Marketing (Direct Selling)

(1) Traditional Marketing the company seeks the help of a large number of individuals, including distributors, wholesalers, agents, retailers, etc., to make the product accessible to the customer.  And in this type of marketing, the company also invests a large part of its turnover in advertising, then the customer buys those products from the market
 What is Network Marketing

(2) Network Marketing In this, the company delivers its products and services directly to the customer.  And in this marketing, customers are the distributors who promote products and services.  In which the company disburses a large part of its benefits (about 50% - 60%) to the customer and the customer gets an opportunity to earn an additional income

History of Network Marketing:

Network marketing started in 1930 by Carl Rehnborg, a great American chemist.  For the first time, he explained the health benefits of using dietary supplements in food, and started the first network marketing company called California Vitamin Company based on Supplement.  Where Network Marketing Started.  And in 1939 the name of that California vitamin company was changed to Nutralite.  Today network marketing has become the fastest growing business in the world
Network Marketing In India
Network marketing started in India in 1995.  And today Network Marketing is a very fast growing industry in India.  The Government of India adopted the rapidly growing industry and issued guidelines on 12 September 2016.  Due to which the network marketing in India has increased more rapidly, it is expected to grow more rapidly.  According to the report of FICCI and KPMG, a government of India organization, Direct Selling will become a 625 billion (62500 cr.) Industry in India in 2025

(Benefits of Network Marketing)

Time Management: Time is the most important and precious thing in the world.  In network marketing, we are taught to plan the whole day, here we learn to use the time properly.  Those who used to give time in useless things (like TV, mobile phone, gossip), learn to use the same time properly.  Here we have to change our habits, which brings positive changes in our life, because a great scientist APJ Abdul Kalam says that
We cannot change our future but we can change our habits, and those changed habits will change our future
That is, our habits make our future

Thinking) :
Our perspective on network marketing changes.  We start looking at anything from a different perspective, it is all due to good company

Extra income

Perhaps everyone in the world likes an Extra Income, and Network Marketing is the best way to earn an Extra Income.  Person here's The mind can make a desired income

Personal Growth

In network marketing, one gets to learn everything that is not taught outside or in any college.  It is here that we form teams that bring leadership skills in us.  We learn to multiply time here.  Public speaking is taught in an effective way here, you cannot learn public speaking even by paying millions of rupees

Communication Skill

In network marketing, you learn to put your idea in front of someone in an effective way, and to influence it through your interactions.  Person who works all life

People Skill

There is also a skill to learn in network marketing, which helps a person throughout his life because network marketing is a people's business.  Here you work with people, the biggest advantage is that you become a practical person, people want to meet you, talk to you, and you become their dear friend

Passive income

Generally, there are two types of active income and active income.  In active income, as long as a person works, money comes, when he does not work then money does not come.  But in passive income, the person comes to work or not.  And once a team is formed in network marketing, Passive income starts coming, whether you work or not, your team works for you.  Actually the team works for itself, but indirectly works for you too
Help to Other

When a new person comes into this business, the whole team helps him to move forward.  While in the outside world people are engaged in pulling each other's legs.  In network marketing, people work for each other's success
Financial Freedom

Through this business, any person can achieve financial freedom by working hard and diligently in 4 to 5 years, here you can make any money you want.  It depends on you, how much you want to earn
Time Freedom

Network marketing is a business that gives us the freedom of time, in this business you go somewhere, or do not work for some time, yet you keep earning


In network marketing, there is so much respect and respect, even as big leaders and actors do not get it.  You are welcomed wherever you go if you succeed.  A lot of people are lined up, to click a photo with you, to take an autograph.  People here are inspired by you, and want to be like you

Friendship with Good People

Since network marketing is the business of people, this is where you meet new people every day.  And you have friends with people whom you did not know who have a successful mindset, they want to move forward in life.  Here you get a culture where everyone thinks of moving forward.  People Inspire One To Achieve Their Gole

Presentation skill

In network marketing, people learn to present things well.  Which includes board presentation, laptop presentation, paper presentation etc.  Here you learn how to present things as a professional
Risk Free Business

There is no risk in this business, because it does not start in millions.  But it starts with very little money, so there is no fear of loss in this business

No Time Boundetion

Any business has a time limit that can last for so many times.  But network marketing business can be done at any time, even if it is two in the night

Unlimited Area for Bussiness

This business can be done anywhere in the open market, if you have gone to roam somewhere, you can do this business there too.  But it is not in any other business that you can go anywhere with your shop.  In network marketing, you are a shop on the go
Where you are is your business

Freedom of Age

Whatever your age is in this business, you can start this business.  Whether you are 25 years old or 75 years old

We hope you What is Network marketing?And must have understood the benefits of network marketing well.  How should you like this information about network marketing, please comment below.  And share it easily with your friends on Facebook with the buttons below

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