How to build an Affiliate marketing website in 2020

So in this blog, we are going to walk you through step by step how to start an affiliate marketing website so that you can make money online. now we have to start every blog with this disclaimer that we're not selling you courses there's no online pitch to get you into our program and mentor you to charge you $2,000 to learn how to do this.

 How to build an Affiliate marketing website in 2020

This is all free and this is very real now with that said this is not something that you can become a millionaire overnight you're not gonna wake up tomorrow and have a Lamborghini and in your driveway from affiliate marketing but this is a very real strategy for making money online. We make tens of thousands of dollars per month with affiliate marketing. I'm gonna teach you to step by step how exactly you can do this now. 
We have a number of sources that we do this from some of them being our YouTube channel, some of them being from our web sites but we want to break this down into a really all-inclusive tutorial for you here today so there's a couple of things that we're gonna do. We're gonna go through step by step how to do this and the first thing that we want to do is talk about domain and hosting where are you getting your website from how are you naming your website. We'll talk about how to set up the initial process of getting your website active getting it live and then starting to build it. 
We'll talk about some other options as well if you don't want to use WordPress there are other options out there for building a website what's gonna be the best option for you we'll talk about that and how to build your website the actual logistics of building your site and I can tell you this now that you don't have to necessarily be a rocket scientist or a computer scientist to know how to build a website. Now it certainly helps to know how to code but you don't have to necessarily know how to do that. In fact, we know so many people who have very little computer experience but they're still able to build a very professional website that makes them thousands of dollars per month. 
So you don't have to be particularly smart to do this I'm not particularly smart but it's something that we can do without having a massive level of knowledge or skill prior to actually building a website, and then creating content how you should be writing articles the types of articles. How would the be strategy behind that and then we'll talk about search engine optimization which is going to be getting your website viewed. How do you actually get people onto your site? How ranked it on Google.

Affiliate Marketing

Some of the largest websites in the world are primarily earning revenue from affiliate marketing. Now failing marketing it tends to get a bad rap in some cases because there's always going to be the sleazy people out there who will be promoting products that are the cramped product. So they give fake reviews on a product and they end up making money off of it but their morals aren't necessarily correct. They are creating fake reviews there. They're doing things that are really not good but if we look at some of the largest websites that we could use for this example a company like Bank rate which in 2016. I know it's about four or five years ago was the last time that they published their public numbers and they pulled in about four hundred some million dollars from affiliate revenue from this website. Here so you can see it is very real some companies make hundreds of millions of dollars from affiliate marketing and it's still growing even today in 2020. You can build an online business with affiliate marketing.

To Buy Web Hosting

There are some web hosting websites. We've had success hosting with Bluehost but there are also different ones like host Pappa, Hostgator, DreamHost. The list goes on with the difference in different hosting services that you can use to build your WordPress website. You can use Wix but Wix the only issue with those is that they're a little bit more expensive. If you want to start with Squarespace or Wix you're probably gonna be paying a little bit of a premium of closer to $20 per month rather than something like three dollars and ninety-five cents per month. 

To Buy a Domain

We need to register a domain. Now maybe you already have a domain. You can buy a domain from Godaddy, Bigrock, and etc. Create your website on WordPress, Wix, etc. After creating a website, promote the products on your website. Paste the affiliate link on your website and rank it on google and start earning.

Choose the right Products for affiliate marketing

If you're gonna be reviewing products make sure that you're doing this with high standards. Make sure that you're not promoting crap products. I hate that. I have to say this all the time but sometimes people when they start their affiliate websites they just promote things that don't make any sense. They don't like the products. They're terrible products but they promote them. Anyway because they want to make money, don't do that because you're not gonna win the long run. You're not gonna be helping people. The key here is to actually provide people value, actually review products that are good, and then give objective reviews on those. That's what some of the top affiliate marketing websites in the world do when they want to make money is to give objective reviews. So that people come back and read more of the reviews in the future because they know that not all products are good and if an affiliate marketing website is giving every product that they're reviewing five out of five stars.
Then probably know hey maybe there's something up maybe they're just making money off of this and that's why they're giving everything a good review so don't give everything a good review actually give your honest opinion about it. If it's a bad product give it a three out of five, give it a 2 out of 5 stars. I've done that before in the past and sure you're not gonna make as much money from it but it's definitely the right thing to do.

Earn Money from Blogging

You can earn millions of dollars per month from a blog and that blows a lot of people's minds people thought blogging was dead people thought. You know how much money can you realistically make with this and I'm telling you right now from my personal experience and from looking at some of this data that we get they are making millions and millions of dollars on monthly basis and you can certainly do.

Affiliate Link and Traffic on Website

Some different affiliate programs have different referral windows. So sometimes for example Amazon. If you use Amazon affiliates their referral window is only about 24 hours. So if you click on an Amazon link from my website and you don't buy anything for 24 hours and then on our 25 you do buy something. I'm not gonna get money from that. If you really want to, you can actually negotiate contracts with all these different affiliate companies I've done this for most of my sites, YouTube channels.

When you start sending more traffic which just means that you make even more money. Which is pretty great right. So go through find your niche and then find products that you can promote right. So you want to promote gaming, find products. You can promote in there all right.
You go through here razor affiliate program. You get three to ten percent and it looks like right razors a big gaming thing that I see people on but goes through finding your products. There's something like an impact radius.

Affiliate Marketing Commission

Now the next one that I want to show you is something called CJ comm. This is what was used to be called Commission Junction. Now it's just called CJ affiliate signup for this. As well sign up for CJ affiliate, it's going to be the same deal as with impact a ton of brands is on there a ton of brains that you already recognize. Tt's very similarly outlaid to impact and but I would suggest doing that if you want to find even more brands do you promote using something like CJ affiliate. Now you can also use Amazon affiliates, Amazon Associates. It's called their Commission's are pretty small so I don't really bother with promoting products on Amazon but you know let's say that you want to promote different products on like target for example target. Affiliate program almost every company in the world who sells products online has an affiliate program and if they don't have one. I found that they are willing to make one for you especially if you are driving a lot of traffic but we can look at the target's affiliate program a lot of people just are not familiar with this. They are not aware that they even have these. You can get up to eight percent commission on a number of different categories with a 7-day cookie which is better than Amazon and so we know it's it really just depends on the products that you want to promote.

But most companies have them so get Walmart. Walmart affiliate program what's so what I would suggest doing is if you're wondering hey does this company have an affiliate program. Just google it. Type in the company and then after that type affiliate program and I'm telling you that most companies do Walmart hasn't any program you're gonna get a percentage from everything that people buy from Walmart from their website because you have a website that's promoting them. So once you have your affiliate account set up with whichever program you would like to go with you're going to get that special affiliate link that is your link. That is then tracking when people click on it and then if they buy something you're getting that commission. You're getting some of the money.

Now comes the legwork this is the stuff that a lot of people don't like to think about because it takes some time. It takes some effort but that's really the story of affiliate marketing is that it's not something that's going to be overnight and get-rich-quick but this is where we can start writing articles and creating value and then linking to those products.

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