Pubg is the world's best online game in my view but not every one can
afford flagship level phones but people with low end phones need not to
worry as there are a variety of ways to play pubg lag free even in 2gb
RAM models

1.) Use dns changer
You can change the dns to get away from Traffic it's like choosing a road with less no of cars.
To change dns simply downlode one from play store and use suitable ip adress as per your country
To know more about dns visit
2)Don't use third pary boosters
3rd party boosters consume ram and as you already have less RAM using a 3rd party booster would make things only worse
To know about when to use third party apps click on this link
3)reset your phone
Each and every app on your smart phone expands and consumes the internal storage
Which slows down data transfer from rom to ram thus to get rid of all those data reset your phone once every 3 to 2 months
To know more on how to reset your phone
Kindly visit
4)Don't downlode apps from any where except google play store
A lots of people downlode apps from there phones browser but it is not safe as they come with risks of virus
So logic is simple less the number of virus app the smoother your phone works
5)don't install too many apps
The apps you have on your mobile consume ram so installing less apps and using lite apps like fb lite
You can also use social media by using your browser insted of downloading an extra app for it