Is it really possible to make money blogging? Well, stay tuned, and I
will show you how I made my first thousand dollars with my WordPress
blog, and it's not as hard as you think. Plus, I've got a free download
for you that will help you get there.
Well, Learning how to monetize
WordPress blog is not as hard as you might think. In this video, I am
going to show you how I made my first thousand dollars with my WordPress
blog, and I had a very small blog at the time I made that first thousand
dollars. And I definitely wanna make sure you are using the correct
WordPress platform.
So, if you're just starting your blog, this is
really, really important. It is a piece of the puzzle that many people
overlook until well into their blogging career, and then they have to
completely switch and almost start over. And that is, you want to have your blog on, not And the reason
is, is the platform that will allow you to monetize your
blog with ads and other ways in the future, whereas does
not. Yes, they are both WordPress,but please, please, please, the first
thing you need to do, make sure you are on Now, this next
thing is really important, and it is one of those things that I was
certainly one of the people that suffered from this,is you need to pick a
niche and it needs to be specific. I started my other blog, And the
truth of them is, that is too big. You need to focus down in, and it was
only after I became focused that I actually got all kinds of
opportunities to monetize that blog. So, please spend some time-thinking
of your niche.
What do you want to blog about? And
make it very specific. And once you have that pinned down, it's time to
pick your WordPress theme. Now, this is a really fun part of it because
there are all kinds of gorgeous, beautiful themes out there. The theme
is the framework that you are going to use to build your blog out. It's
what you look at when you see, "Where do I want a picture? "Where do I
want a video carousel?" All kinds of different things. There are a
bazillion themes out there, so please take sometime looking through it,
picking one that fits nicely with your niche that I know you already
spent time narrowing down, and then pick a theme. Now, you do wanna make
sureit is a theme.
There are so
many of them,but to name a couple, go ahead and search for the June
theme or the Sole dad theme, and you will get a very good idea of the
types of themes that are available out there for WordPress. Some are
free, some are paid, your choice. I started with a free theme and it
worked just fine for me for a couple of years until I wanted to upgrade
it. Now, if you already have your niche and your topic you're going to
write about, please write it downing the comments below. I love hearing what bloggers are writing about. Okay, the next step to monetizing your
WordPress blog, and this is super important, is you actually have to
write content. And I cannot stress this enough,quality, quality,
quality. Forget quantity, you ha veto do a really good job. The writing
has to be good and the pictures have to be good. That is how you are going
to gain traction. As a blogger, it is critical. Do not skip over this
thinking, "If I pump out five posts a week, "then I'm gonna build my blog
really quickly." It will not happen. If you are not putting out quality
content, your blog will not grow and you will not have the opportunity
to monetize it. So, please take your time. Whatever works for you. I
think ideally, one new post per week that is very high-quality will get
the job done. If you have time to do more than that, that's great. If you
can only do one a month, do that, but please make sure you're doing
quality work. Okay, so now that you have some quality posts out there,
you could actually look always to monetize your blog. And now, these are general ways that people use to monetize their WordPress blogs. I use
these, some work better than others, it just depends on your blog. One
way to do it is to set up ads. Now, there are a couple of ways to do
First way is, you can use Google
AdSense, and you apply to their program,and then they'll accept you, and
then you place spots for ads on your blog. And it will definitely take
some time and some traffic in order to see the income from those, but
that is the first way to try to monetize your blog with advertising.
Then, once you have a certain number of page views per month, you can
apply to various ad networks. I am with Media vine, I love them, but you
do have to have, I think it's 30,000 sessions per month to your blog in
order to be accepted. So, it will take a little while to get up to that
number, but once you move into an ad network space, then you will
monetize your blog with ads much, much faster. Now, another thing you candor straight off the bat is to try to get some free product from some
of the products that you love and use.
All you
have to do is send them an email saying, "Hey, I've got this blog, here's
a link. "Please send me product and I will talk about it "on my blog,"
and you will get all kinds of stuff in the mail. And that is a great way to begin monetizing your blog. It's not really money, but it's stuff
that you probably already were gonna purchase. So, it's like getting money
in your pocket. Another way a lot of bloggers monetize their WordPress
blogs is by creating their own product, whether it's a book, an eBook, or
a video course, and that is a great, great way to monetize your blog.
But, it does require afar number of followers who like and trust and
respect you in order to get them to purchase your product. But now, let's
talk about how I made my first $1,000 on my blog, and it was not big
blog at the time. I had, like, 3,000 views per month, I mean, it was a
very, very small blog, and I'm talking about sponsored posts. Now, that
is where a company will pay you a certain dollar amount in order to write
a blog post about their product. And there's a huge range of what brands
are willing to pay. It can be anywhere from free product, like we
discussed earlier,all the way up to, some people are getting several thousand dollars per post. But, when I started getting sponsored
posts, and again, my blog was very small at the time, I was getting about
$150 per post. Now, each one took me about two hours to write and
photograph and put out there, so over the course of about three months, I
had been able to do seven or eight of these sponsored posts, and I made
$1,000. And I'm telling you, that number, oh my god, I made $1,000
blogging, right? That's after everybody telling me, "You can't make
money blogging." Well, guess what? Yes you can, and now Iget a lot more
than that to write sponsored posts,but it's the same concept. So, if you
are just starting out, it will not take you that long to be able to
earn $1,000 with your blog. I would say, sponsored posts, that is the
easiest way to get going. So, now that you know different ways to
monetize your blog and that in my opinion,sponsored posts are probably
the easiest way to get started, you now need to know exactly how to get
the sponsored posts. So, I have created an eBook,I have a link to it
It is completely, free and it will show
you all of the different ways to get sponsored posts. So, if this video helped you learn different ways to monetize your WordPress blog,
including getting sponsored posts, please give it a thumbs upland don't
forget to subscribe. And if you're ready to buck the traditional system
and create multiple streams of income for yourself so you can live your
life,your dreams, your way, then go ahead and type #BuckIt in the
comments below. I get it, I've been there. I look forward to going along this freedom journey with you. I'll see you next time on The Freedom